Drama and Musical Theater Summer Camps for Austin | Kids Out and About Austin

Drama and Musical Theater Summer Camps for Austin

Do we call it musical theatre or musical theater? Acting or drama or theater arts or performance arts?

It doesn't matter what we call it: Summer is a great time to learn acting, singing, and dancing! With our area's emphasis on performance and music, there are lots of summer camps to choose from. Some are one week, some are more. The following are camps that have elected to be featured on this page, and below it are additional camps of which we at KidsOutAndAbout.com are aware. Know of more? Let us know!

810 South Austin Avenue Georgetown, TX 78626 (512)763-4532
10105 Inshore Dr., Austin, TX 78730 | 512-382-0649
617 Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701
1400 Tillery St, Austin, TX 78721 512-836-5437